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Neilly Poker Blog

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The TOurnament Grind!
  Ryan Neilly, Dec 21 2023

Hey everyone,

hope everyone is doing well.

I took a year off poker, I came back a month ago and the tournaments on stars are just magnificent.

I been spinning up the ol bankroll and playing a solid 6-9 hours a night.

CLeaned my life up 100% for the first time like ever, being a responsible grinder this time around.

Had a very solid upswing coming back, "scope neillyaa74' Grinding $20-$100 MTT on stars.

For some reason i can't post pictures here, but happy to be back playing full time, and wanted to say what's up to the LP and everyone here.

Ill try to post some hands from tournaments from time to time!

GL everyone,
Ryan Neilly

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Happy Holidays LP
  Ryan Neilly, Dec 03 2021

Hey everyone, hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season and crush all your games!

small update on me - took 4 months off this year to work on me, just restarting, took 100 to about 1k in the last week, games are still great, seems i have no passion for cashgames though, gonna focus on only tournaments again. Feeling fresh again.

I'll try to find stuff to blog about more

Recently won a lil $5 mtt and a bunch of 2nd to 5ths, gotta play those FT more aggro...

Have a great holiday season, lots of amazing poker Crush!


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about solvers
  Ryan Neilly, Feb 09 2021

hey guys what solvers the easiest to use?

i want one now, i shoulda got one last year, which is the best value and most user friendly? THE (EASIEST MOST USER FRIENDLY ONE!)

just need to get on it now 24/7 w solver - plz solved pros, i'm going all-in on cash games in 2020.

im currently beating 1/2 games but haven't beaten 2/5 yet, although only 1 try, i did good vs only regs, but lost a bi AA vs KK, they were tough tough tho, i need to up my game !

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